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These are extraordinary times for humanity — as a global society, and as a species.
Civilisation 2.0 is calling us forward, ever more insistently.
The whisper is becoming a roar: new economy, new ecology, new ways of being in the world.New Economy Network Australia (NENA) and the enkel collective welcome you,
our peers in innovation and positive changemaking from across the New Economy spectrum.
Join us for the 4th annual NENA conference, happening this October in beautiful Perth, Western Australia.Our Perth conference (October 4-7, 2019) welcomes peers in innovation and changemaking from across the New Economy spectrum. It is intended to serve those who have the courage of their convictions, but also the flexibility to entertain—and even embrace—divergent worldviews.
Building this capacity is essential as we encounter and move through the extraordinary changes we face now, as a society and as a species.
The inspiration for the conference’s overarching theme, Beyond Paradigms, comes from Donella Meadows’ work, in which she describes the most effective points of leverage to intervene in a system as
a) the mindset from which a given paradigm arises, and
b) transcending paradigms entirely.
As human beings, deeply influenced by the contexts and cultures from which we come, we view our worlds through filters and lenses. The question then becomes, as we encounter each other, are we building bridges or walls between our views? Can we remove our own lenses, and try on someone else's, even for a moment?
The future of humanity, and of our precious planet, may well depend on it.
Our primary focus at Beyond Paradigms will thus be on supercharging our engagement and connection with each other, calling forth the assembled collective wisdom to give and receive support for our work (or launching it out into the world in the first place; now is the time).
To that end, while this forum will indeed accommodate presentations of ideas, our emphasis will be on facilitating the powerful, purposeful connections, conversations and collaborations that are called for so urgently now.
Our main sub-themes (what we're calling "streams") are:
- Brilliant Cities (because being "smart" won't be nearly enough);
- Positive Futures (because yes, we can);
- Emerging/Converging Technologies (applying our worlds-colliding powertools responsibly); and
- Full-Spectrum Wellbeing (firing on all our jets, as whole human beings)
Facilitated roundtable discussions (what we call The Moveable Feast) and deep-dive mini workshops will be at the heart of the event — as will delicious local and artisanal food, creativity, and rich, shared experiences.
NENA is the Australian representative of WEAll, the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, a new global collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working together to change the economic system to create a wellbeing economy: one that delivers human and ecological wellbeing
Michelle Maloney
Co-Founder & Director, NENA
“ We’re excited to work with Enkel to bring the NENA Annual Conference to Perth, and we look forward to reconnecting with existing NENA members and learning about new initiatives and networks in Western Australia. ”
Adam Jorlen
Founder, enkel Collective
“ Our focus at Enkel is future-positive. We gather people who are doing extraordinary work across various fields, cross-pollinating the innovative approaches that will help us transition to a new and better world. NENA shares this orientation with us, with the New Economy as the framework for change. We’re absolutely delighted to be collaborating with them to auspice this conference in Western Australia.”
Dennis Simmons
CEO, Maar Koodjal
“ Maar Koodjal welcomes the opportunity to bring the voice of First Nations people to the movement for a new economy in Australia. We must together make urgent progress towards a participative economy that provides a fair go for all people and for our precious Nyoongar Boodjar. ”
Professor Paul Flatau
Director, Centre for SociaI Impact
University of Western Australia
“ We at the Centre for Social Impact are very happy to be co-hosting the New Economy Network Australia Conference with Enkel Collective at UWA. Social justice has to be front and centre of our economic system, and we need to create more jobs for those missing out in our present economy. ”
JP Parker
“ Together with NENA, we are so looking forward to inspiring, connecting and supporting the changemaking community this October. Designed as a peer-level conference for innovators and game changers, our focus is on engagement and connections, moving us beyond the realm of sharing ideas and into inspired action and collaboration. ”
Karun Cowper
Co-producer, Beyond Paradigms“ These are extraordinary times we live in. Humanity is being called upon for an extraordinary response. To the extent we can embody our ideal selves... To the extent we can expand our vision to creative solutions... To the extent we can be responsive to the needs of our fellow living beings... To the extent people who have the privilege to participate in a conference such as this make real progress in these endeavours... this is the extent we will have capacity to transcend our existing paradigms and build a new economy that will fulfil not just the basic needs of everyone but a quality of life and happiness which we can only now begin to conceptualise.”
Perth Convention BureauThe Perth Convention Bureau helps not-for-profit associations, corporations and agents bring their conferences and incentive groups to Western Australia. In conjunction with local organisations, PCB markets Western Australia nationally and internationally as a destination for conventions, exhibitions and incentive travel groups. The organisation has access to current market intelligence, local support and assistance to help bring national and international events to Western Australia.
© 2019 enkel collective cooperative